air temperature at 1.7 meter
Temperature of the air in a height of 1.7 meter
Your resource for modelled I-ADOPT variables with concepts from different terminologies.
Temperature of the air in a height of 1.7 meter
Optical thickness measures how much radiation is scattered or absorbed as it travels through a medium.
The biological trait that determines whether a sexually reproducing organism produces male or female gametes.
The amount of sky estimated to be covered by a specified cloud type (partial cloud amount), or by all cloud types (total cloud amount). In either case, the estimate is made to the nearest okta (eighth) and is reported on a scale which is essentially one of the nearest eighth, except that figures 0 and 8 on the scale signify a completely clear and cloudy sky, respectively, with consequent adjustment to the adjacent 1 and 7 okta intervals.
Abundance of coarse woody debris measured from all the plots/transects scaled to a hectare.
Concentration of DDT in a given year at a site impacted by industry.
Mass concentration of isobutylene in chloroform.
Self-assessed smoking status of patient.
The distance to the nearest neighbour is a metric used to measure the degree of connection of EUNIS habitats within a landscape, in terms of their spatial distribution.
Relative mass flux density (mass per area per time) of nanomaterial internalised by cells per unit time and specific cell surface area.
Particle number of nanomaterial internalised by a specific cell area and and time.
Dynamic shear viscosity of polystyrene under the testing conditions of DIN 51810-1.
Stream of charged particles emitted by the sun and measured in the solar wind.
Area of land enclosure within which no feral predators are present.
Foliage projective cover (FPC) is a metric of foliating vegetation (trees, shrubs) cover of land surface.
The depth of the lowest layer of the atmosphere measured above the surface of the ground.
The amount of docosahexaenoic acid relative to dry weight in an individual.
In accordance with common usage in geophysical disciplines, "flux" implies per unit area, called "flux density" in physics. "Vegetation" means any living plants e.g. trees, shrubs, grass. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. The term "senescence" means loss of living biomass excluding plant death, e.g. leaf drop and other seasonal effects. The term refers to changes in the whole plant and is not confined only to leaf drop.
Variable expressing the question: In the past 30 days, how often did you feel nervous?
Number of nights in a 3-star hotel near the sea shore.
Maximum acceleration measured on the earth surface during seismic events (e.g., earthquakes.)
Mean_size of planktic foraminifers in surface sediments. Size is defined as mean diameter in the plane of largest extent, and mean size is defined as the arithmetic average of a population (i.e., a sample of specimen).
The probability that a given type of habitat is found in a specific area (grid cell).
The sheet resistance of a 5-nanometer-thick layer of gold.
The measure of an ectotherm animal's baseline metabolic rate (i.e. non-active, non-stressed) measured by the milligrams of oxygen consumed in a period of time of one hour.
Azimuth (relative to true north) of a horizontal line contained in a sedimentary rock bedding surface at a point location. The bedding surface must not be horizontal; the azimuth is reported such that the dip direction of the inclined bedding is to the right when facing in the azimuth direction.
Blood pressure (BP) is the pressure of circulating blood against the walls of blood vessels.
Height of char imprinted on a tree trunk by fire as measured from the base of the tree trunk to the highest vertical extent using a 360° sweep at each sampling location.
The amount of carbon consumed by an organism at non-limiting concentration of food relative to the individual dry weight measured at 15°C.
The amount of sky estimated to be covered by a specified cloud type (partial cloud amount), or by all cloud types (total cloud amount). In either case, the estimate is made to the nearest okta (eighth) and is reported on a scale which is essentially one of the nearest eighth, except that figures 0 and 8 on the scale signify a completely clear and cloudy sky, respectively, with consequent adjustment to the adjacent 1 and 7 okta intervals.
number density (particle per volume) of electrons in the solar wind (the stream of charged particles emitted by the Sun) at specified distance and direction from the Sun's surface.
Height above the surface to which atmospheric properties or atmospheric constituents are dispersed by turbulent mixing, resulting in weak vertical gradients.
Vertical column integral of spectral organic aerosol extinction coefficient or Beer's law exponent: AOD = (-K.Δz) where K is the extinction coefficient [km-1] and Δz the vertical path [km]. NB: This is a spectral quantity and the wavelength(s) of observation need to be specified.
Daily maximum temperature of the air at a specified distance from a specified reference surface.
The measure of an ectotherm animal's baseline metabolic rate (i.e. non-active, non-stressed) measured by the milligrams of oxygen consumed in a period of time of one hour.
How nervous, worried, or uneasy someone has felt over a given period of time. It measures the intensity of these feelings, ranging from mild worry to strong nervousness or fear, experienced during this period.
Optical thickness measures how much radiation is scattered or absorbed as it travels through a medium. It reduces the radiative flux by a factor of exp(-optical_thickness) along the path. Atmospheric optical thickness refers to radiation passing through the entire atmosphere and can be measured at specific wavelengths or frequencies. Aerosols are particles suspended in the air (excluding cloud droplets), while ambient aerosols refer to particles in their natural environment, influenced by local pressure, temperature, and humidity. The extent of water absorption by these particles depends on humidity and their composition.
Height from the ground to the top of the layer of atmosphere where the Earth's surface has a direct effect on the weather (winds, temperature, radiative processes).
The biological sex observable variable refers to a classification based on physical and genetic characteristics typically used to distinguish individuals as female, male, intersex, or unknown. These categories are based on biological factors such as chromosomes, hormones, and reproductive anatomy. The term intersex includes individuals whose biological characteristics do not fit typical definitions of male or female, while unknown indicates cases where the biological sex cannot be determined or has not been specified.
Blood pressure (BP) is the pressure of circulating blood against the walls of blood vessels.
Foliage projective cover (FPC) is the percentage of ground area occupied by the vertical projection of the foliage of woody vegetation. Woody vegetation can have a major impact on grass production. FPC is considered to give a better indication of the influence of woody vegetation on grass productivity than tree basal area (TBA). This is because FPC is more closely related to light interception and tree water use.
The amount of cloudiness or clear sky at a study site.
CWD abundance per hectare (m2/hectare) is the abundance of CWD measured from all the plots/transects scaled to a hectare (100 x 100 m). They are calculated using the formula.
Concentration of DDT in a given year at a site impacted by industry.
Mass concentration of isobutylene in chloroform.
Current smoking status refers to whether an individual is actively smoking tobacco products at the present time.
The number of electrons found in a cubic centimeter (cm3) of the Solar Wind.
Daily maximum values of air temperature at a 1.7 meter height above surface.
This variable represents the date when the last COVID-19 PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) test was performed by a certified laboratory.
This variable is part of the EBV Connectivity of terrestrial ecosytem habitat types and helps to measure the degree of connection of EUNIS habitats within a landsacpe, in terms of their spatial distribution.
The amount of docosahexaenoic acid relative to dry weight in an individual.
Measure of the material's resistance to flow when subjected to a shear force. In dynamic conditions, this viscosity is determined by applying oscillating shear forces to the polystyrene sample, and the material's response is measured. Testing dynamic shear viscosity at specific temperatures helps manufacturers determine how the material will perform under different conditions like injection molding or extrusion.
The number of electrons found in a cubic centimeter (cm3) of the Solar Wind.
The total area (in ha) of feral-free enclosures.
Daily maximum values of air temperature at a 1.7 meter height above surface.
Correlation of dose and response for nanomaterials toxicity assessment requires information on the amount of the applied dose of nanomaterial that has been internalised by a cell population (or per specific cell) and is dependent on a number of factors including the exposure time, the particle density (i.e., whether settling occurs and thus the distribution of particles in the medium is non-homogeneous affecting the local concentration at the cell surface) etc.
Number of nights spent in a given location.
Correlation of dose and response for nanomaterials toxicity assessment requires information on the amount of the applied dose of nanomaterial that has been internalised by a cell population (or per specific cell) and is dependent on a number of factors including the exposure time, the particle density (i.e., whether settling occurs and thus the distribution of particles in the medium is non-homogeneous affecting the local concentration at the cell surface) etc.
measure of the maximum acceleration of ground motion during an earthquake.
Size of the tiny shells of microscopic marine organisms (called foraminifers), which settle and get buried in the top layer of the ocean floor.
The probability that a given type of habitat is found in a specific area (grid cell).
The sheet resistance of a 5-nanometer-thick layer of gold.
Highest point on a tree trunk that has been affected by charring.
Orientation or direction of a bedding plane in relation to the horizontal.
The amount of carbon consumed by an organism at non-limiting concentration of food relative to the individual dry weight measured at 15°C. It is expressed as μg C mg DW−1 h−1.
[GEMET] The temperature of the atmosphere which represents the average kinetic energy of the molecular motion in a small region and is defined in terms of a standard or calibrated thermometer in thermal equilibrium with the air.
Soil hydraulic conductivity is a measure of the efficiency of bulk flow through soil, and defined as the flow rate per unit pressure driving force.
depth of water body in lake, stagnant surface water
temperature of the water body of a lake, stagnant surface water
The true direction from which the wind is blowing at a given location (i.e., wind blowing from the north to the south is a north wind). It is normally measured in tens of degrees from 10 degrees clockwise through 360 degrees. North is 360 degrees. A wind direction of 0 degrees is only used when wind is calm.
The rate at which air is moving horizontally past a given point
Composition of benthic invertebrates in the European catchments and rivers network system (ECRINS), based on presence-absence of indicator taxa.
Composition of benthic invertebrates in the European catchments and rivers network system (ECRINS), as measured by the Ecological Quality Ratio (EQR) of indicator taxa.
Composition of benthic invertebrates in the European catchments and rivers network system (ECRINS), based on (relative) abundance of indicator taxa.
Composition of fishes in the European catchments and rivers network system (ECRINS), as measured based on presence-absence.
Composition of fishes in the European catchments and rivers network system (ECRINS), as measured by the Ecological Quality Ratio (EQR).
Composition of fishes in the European catchments and rivers network system (ECRINS), as measured based on the (relative) abundance of indicator taxa.
Composition of macrophytes in the European catchments and rivers network system (ECRINS) as measured based on presence-absence data.
Composition of macrophytes in the European catchments and rivers network system (ECRINS) as measured by the Ecological Quality Ratio (EQR).
Composition of phytobenthos in the European catchments and rivers network system (ECRINS), as measured based on presence-absence of indicator taxa.
Composition of phytobenthos in the European catchments and rivers network system (ECRINS), as measured by the Ecological Quality Ratio (EQR).
Composition of phytobenthos in the European catchments and rivers network system (ECRINS), as measured based on (relative) abundance of indicator taxa.
Composition of zooplankton in the European catchments and rivers network system (ECRINS), as measured based on presence-absence of indicator taxa.
Composition of zooplankton in the European catchments and rivers network system (ECRINS), as measured by the Ecological Quality Ratio (EQR) of indicator taxa.
Composition of zooplankton in the European catchments and rivers network system (ECRINS), as measured based on (relative) abundance of indicator taxa.
Total amount (abundance) of soft-bottom benthic macroinvertebrate communities within spatial units over time
Summary statistics of migration densities of bats derived from vertical profile time series of weather radar data (e.g. hourly averages of bat density and speed). Summary statistics of densities.
Biomass flows of aerial migrant birds across Europe within contiguous spatial units (grid cells) over time. Summary statistics of densities.
Summary statistics of migration densities of insects derived from vertical profile time series of weather radar data (e.g. hourly averages of insect density and speed). Summary statistics of densities.
Estimated biomass of the living component of soil organic matter (bacteria, fungi and protozoa) within contiguous spatial units (grid cells) across the EU over time. Mass of soil bacteria, fungi and protozoa/area.
Estimated biomass of the living component of soil organic matter (bacteria, fungi and protozoa) within contiguous spatial units (grid cells) across the EU over time. Mass of soil bacteria, fungi and protozoa/mass of dry soil.
Estimated biomass of the living component of soil organic matter (bacteria, fungi and protozoa) within contiguous spatial units (grid cells) across the EU over time. Microbial basal respiration.
The frequency, intensity and size of fire disturbances in vegetation in contiguous spatial units. Average disturbance frequency
The frequency, intensity and size of fire disturbances in vegetation in contiguous spatial units. Average disturbance severity
The functional composition and diversity (e.g. based on morphological, physiological or behavioral traits) of marine plankton in EU's marine waters within contiguous spatial units (grid cells) over time. Diversity of functional groups or life forms.
The functional composition and diversity (e.g. based on morphological, physiological or behavioral traits) of marine plankton in EU's marine waters within contiguous spatial units (grid cells) over time. Functional diversity indices.
The functional composition and diversity (e.g. based on morphological, physiological or behavioral traits) of marine plankton in EU's marine waters within contiguous spatial units (grid cells) over time. Presence and dominance of key functional groups or life forms.
The functional composition and diversity of soil biota based on morphological, physiological, phenological and behavioural traits or functional/taxonomic groups. Diversity.
The functional composition and diversity of soil biota based on morphological, physiological, phenological and behavioural traits or functional/taxonomic groups. Diversity indices.
The functional composition and diversity of soil biota based on morphological, physiological, phenological and behavioural traits or functional/taxonomic groups. Richness.